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Full company name:           

Družba za avtoceste v Republiki Sloveniji (DARS d.d.)

Short name:

DARS d.d.

Head office:

Ulica XIV. divizije 4, 3000 Celje


+386 (0)3 426 40 71


+386 (0)3 544 20 01

Branch office address:       

Dunajska 7, 1000 Ljubljana

Branch office phone number:

+386 (0)1 300 99 01

Branch office fax number:

+386 (0)1 300 99 01


Registration number:        


VAT number:


Founding capital:

2.086.559.144,07 EUR

Transaction account (DARS d.d.):

SI56 0400 1004 9676 502 (Nova KBM d.d.)



Management board:

David Skornšek M. Sc., President

Alenka Muhič, Member

Andrej Ribič M. Sc., Member

Rožle Podboršek, Member, Labour Manager

Supervisory board:

Andrej Šušteršič M. Sc., Chairman

Janko Kramžar, Deputy Chairman

Anton Guzej, Member

Nevenka Hrovatin Ph. D., Member

Tomaž Kuntarič, Member

Sašo Rink, Member

Nataša Ivančevič, Member (labour representative)

Martin Stožir, Member (labour representative)

Branko Švigelj, Member (labour representative)

Type of company:

Joint-stock company


Republic of Slovenia


Republic of Slovenia

Shares issued:

55.650.231 no-par value shares

Date of court register entry at the District court of Celje:

7 Dec 1993

Register entry number:


Number of employees:

1,250 (as of 31 December 2023)

Number of motorway maintenance centres:

9 motorway centres, 7 branches

Traffic supervision and control centre:

4 regional centres: Kozina, Vransko, Slovenske Konjice and Ljubljana (Dragomelj) 1 support supervision centre: Hrušica