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For motorway users

Fast and reliable Wi-Fi DARS at all major rest areas


For business users along the motorway

The option of internet connection for facilities situated next to the motorway.


For electronic communications providers

Connection to a high quality and secure optical network, installation of equipment in motorway bases, and construction along the motorway and at rest areas.



  • The optic network is independent, reliable and of high quality, as it is situated in the roadside restricted area along the motorway.
  • The option of connecting to optical fibre network along the entire length of the motorway.
  • Wi-Fi access point at border crossings.
  • Network modernisation as part of information solutions for a smart motorway.
Technical support for users

+ 386 (0) 1 51 88 482
Contact for business users

+386 (0) 1 300 99 15

 Wi-Fi DARS - fast internet, when you need it

For as little as 1.50 EUR, you can get a 24-hour unlimited data transfer at all rest areas bearing the Wi-Fi sign.

The list of rest areas can be found on this link.

Getting internet access in three easy steps.

  1. Buy a voucher at a petrol station.
  2. Turn on the Wi-Fi connection on your device and choose the »Wi-Fi DARS« network.
  3. Enter the password written on the voucher into your device. Password is valid for one device only.

Enter the password written on the voucher into your device. Password is valid for one device only. The saved password can be used within the 24-hour time period on other listed rest areas.


We ensure safe viewing of videos and unlimited download of internet content at major rest areas.

Business users along the motorway

We offer subscription services for 24/7 internet access to business and private users along the motorway via our own, high quality and reliable optical network.


The main advantages of DARS optical network are its quality and reliability, since optical fibre cables are installed along the roadside restricted area.


Optical network motorway for electronic communication providers

Electronic communication providers can:

  • lease dark fibres along the entire length of the motorway: DARS d.d. provides an optical fibre network running along the 650 kilometres of the Slovenian motorway network. The optical fibre network set-up and motorway construction were done simultaneously. The optical fibre network is constantly upgraded and expanded together with the construction of new motorway sections. The backbone network is of high quality and utilises the G652d optic cable, which is in accordance with the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardization Sector, ITU-T. It runs along the roadside restricted area and is thus well protected from external influences and potential network outages. Optical network access points are set up along the entire length of the motorway every two kilometres. In addition, our access points are set up at the following border crossings: Šentilj, Pince, Obrežje, Karavanke, Fernetiči, Vrtojba and Dolga vas.
  • install their equipment in DARS facilities and along the motorway: DARS d.d. provides the option of renting collocations at our motorway bases and toll stations, where service providers can install their equipment with the assurance of suitable uninterruptible power supply devices, as well as other conditions for safe and impeccable operations.
  • set up cell towers: tunnels, roadside restricted areas along the motorway and rest areas facilitate electronic communications tower construction, where mobile service providers can set up base stations for public mobile telephony.


We guarantee high quality services and we meet the highest demands for capacities and faster electronic communication services. Our optical fibre network provides high quality and security, as it is well protected from external influences.