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About e-vignette


The electronic vignette is a digital version of the vignette, and has replaced traditional vignette stickers on vehicles. It is linked to the vehicle registration number entered into the central tolling system upon the purchase of the electronic vignette.

For detailed information about e-vignette, please visit our new official webpage.

Prices and types of e-vignettes

The annual electronic vignette is valid for one year from the selected date specified at the time of purchase. Example: an annual e-vignette with a selected date of 15 April 2022 will be valid until 15 April 2023 included. You can choose immediate validity or select any day up to 30 days from the date of purchase as a validity start date.

One-track motor vehicles

Annual e-vignette 58,70 EUR
Semi-annual e-vignette 32,00 EUR
Weekly e-vignette 8,00 EUR
Caravans and two-track motor vehicles

Caravans (regardless the height above the front axle) and two-track motor vehicles whose height above the front axle is up to 1.30 m, and whose maximum permissible weight does not exceed 3,500 kg, with or without a trailer.

Annual e-vignette 117,50 EUR
Monthly e-vignette 32,00 EUR
Weekly e-vignette 16,00 EUR
Two-track motor vehicles

Two-track motor vehicles whose height above the front axle is 1.30 m or more, and whose maximum permissible weight does not exceed 3,500 kg, with or without a trailer.

Annual e-vignette 235,00 EUR
Monthly e-vignette 64,10 EUR
Weekly e-vignette 32,00 EUR

Please contact our call center in case you have any questions regarding the e-vignette. E-vignettes can be purchased at DARS points of sale (DarsGo services) or at authorised dealers.

Information about e-vignette

+ 386 1 518 83 50