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Our management board

The DARS d.d. management board members are appointed and dismissed by the supervisory board of DARS d.d. in accordance with the company charter. One of the members (the labour manager) is suggested by the works council and approved by the supervisory board. The board with a five-year term consists of five members at most (in accordance with the charter). Currently the management board members are:

mag. David Skornšek

President of the Management Board (since 7 May 2024, for a duration of six months )

Alenka Muhič

Member of the Management Board (since 15 January 2024)
mag. Andrej Ribič

Member of the Management Board (since 1 January 2023)
Rožle Podboršek

Member of the Management Board/Labour Manager (since 9 May 2024)